Listings Needed for Qualified Buyers

Do you want to put your home on the market, but are worried about all the work involved getting the place ready?

You might have a few repairs that need to be done. Or some cleaning and de-cluttering to do. You might even want to do some painting or redecorating to get your property looking its best for potential buyers.

If that’s what’s holding you back from putting your home on the market, give me a call.

No, I can’t pick up a brush and do the painting for you! But I can help in two other important ways:

  • Help you figure out what needs to be done to get your property ready for sale. (It might not be as much work as you imagined.)
  • Recommend contractors, cleaners and other reputable professionals who can do the work for you.

It’s all part of my quest to make the home selling process go smoothly for you.

Please call or email me anytime.